CAMACOP Emphasis Month (BT-07-17 MSC To designate the month of September of every year as CAMACOP Month throughout the CAMACOP constituency with a focus on the Alliance Distinctives).
CAMACOP’s 3,387 churches nationwide will celebrate CAMACOP Emphasis Month this September. In celebration, the churches will focus on the CAMACOP history, distinctives, and statement of faith during their Sunday worship services.
“I invite everyone to join in this CAMACOP-wide celebration. This is very significant and meaningful to us as a Christian Society. It brings to remembrance our roots and what made us who we are now, by God’s grace. It focuses on our uniqueness and distinct identity,” said CAMACOP President Executive Bishop Eduardo C. Cajes.
Article VIII, Section 3 of the Local Church Administrative & Ministry Guidelines (BT-07-17) designates September of every year as CAMACOP Emphasis Month throughout CAMACOP with a focus on the Alliance Distinctives
1. Local Churches shall conduct a CAMACOP Emphasis Month each year during the month of September. Messages each Sunday shall be preached in relation to the four-fold distinctives of the CAMACOP or other related subjects, such us but not limited to, the history of the Alliance, the Society’s Statement of Faith and the like.
2. During the 3rd Sunday of this month, or any Sunday, each local church will receive a special offering for the Minister’s Fund and to be remitted to the national treasury.
The Fourfold Gospel
by AB Simpson
Allied For Christ: Renewing the Heart of the Alliance
by CAMACOP Missions